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8 Resolutions
TzaraNext offers 8 predefined resolutions (4 minute resolutions and 4 NVB resolutions). This way, there is no need to waste time inputting magical timeframes again and again. With 4 timeframes (1, 10, 60 and 360), we have all the topological range and cross-resolution overlap needed. Just try, and you will see for yourself that this is ten times more convenient and efficient.
TzaraNext charts come under 4x2 resolutions, which allow you to see a topological network throughout the full granularity spectrum. A monitor can be split into 8 charts, which is handy.
Here, the monitor has been split into 4 charts in order to switch between the 4 minutes resolution and the corresponding 4 NVB resolutions.
There are many ways to select a resolution, one of them being the chart bar resolution menu. You can also change resolutions using the grey Chart Sticker at the corner of the chart.
The NVBs are optional. One can subscribed to them at any time on a per-market basis through the User Account dialog box.
TzaraNext charts come under 4x2 resolutions, which allow you to see a topological network throughout the full granularity spectrum. A monitor can be split into 8 charts, which is handy. |