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TzaraNext Software
Some users do not even need to browse the help too much. The software has been designed for intuitive and effortless control, so that the user can focus entirely on the charts. These images should convince you that it is truly the case.
Here is an example of an advanced use of TzaraNext, where two groups of linked charts are present, and the mouse wheel is used to drag the chart. If this seems easy, the rest will be too.
Standard Windows behaviors have been employed as much as possible, to make TzaraNext as intuitive as possible. Some users will not need to use the Help much.
An emphasis has been put on drag and drop actions in order to improve intuitiveness. As you can see, pretty much any parameter can be assigned to a chart.
From dialog boxes, it is also possible to drag and drop instruments into any chart.
The multi-monitor support is advanced, yet simple. Extra TzaraNext windows (called Screens) can be dragged and dropped for adding, removing or moving them.
Minimizing and restoring Screens needs to be done with ease when so many monitors are used. A special dialog box handles this job through simple mouse clicks.
Here is an example of an advanced use of TzaraNext, where two groups of linked charts are present, and the mouse wheel is used to drag the chart. If this seems easy, the rest will be too. |