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NVBs (Normalized Volume Bars)
TzaraNext is proud to introduce NVBs™ (Normalized Volume Bars™). They are a superior alternative to minute bars, particularly when the market is unevenly active. Even though TzaraNet works with all kind of data, NVBs tend to offer even higher precision. On some occasions, only NVBs can be used due to uneven trading activity or high volatility. NVBs are offered as an option.
TzaraNext offers the possibility to display NVB (Normalized Volume Bars™) charts. This animation presents available resolutions, accessible, among other ways, through the resolution box menu.
Splitting the monitor into eight cells allows one to display all four NVB resolutions under two different TNs, here, TN1 and TN2, as an example of a realistic layout.
NVBs are advantageous because, besides offering superior interactions, they offer the chance to display exploitable topological networks when the trading activity is inhomogeneous.
NVBs lead to excellent topological networks under all the TNs, as you can appreciate in this animation showing the same 1 NVB chart under two different TNs.
When characteristic figures are scarce, displaying the same NVB chart under several different TNs is welcomed.
TzaraNext offers the possibility to display NVB (Normalized Volume Bars™) charts. This animation presents available resolutions, accessible, among other ways, through the resolution box menu. |