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TNs (Curve Subtypes)
TzaraNext offers 5 subtypes (TNs™). Mathematically, each subtype is a different regression order. On a practical level, the five TzaraNet subtypes, TN1 to TN5, provide a topological network under five different angles, allowing superior prediction than with a single TN. Sometimes, local extrema can be accounted for by only one TN, which makes the joint use of multiple TNs particularly useful. The last three TNs (TN3 to TN5) are available as options.
TzaraNext’s charts can be displayed under 5 different TNs, of which the last three are available as options. The chart toolbar is used here to change TNs, but there are many other ways to do it.
Another way of changing TNs is to directly select the desired TN using the dropdown menu (which is present on the chart bar (at the bottom), as well as on the toolbar).
Setting up layouts so that several TNs can be observed in parallel is certainly very convenient a method to analyze interactions... especially if you have several monitors.
Some local extrema interact sometimes with only higher TNs, such as the bottom extremum, on which the thick TN3 cord exerts its effect. Thus, the interest of using multiple TNs.
In this example, both TN2 and TN3 provide rich and complementary information for making predictions with a higher degree of certainty than with only one TN.
TN5 charts are not the simplest in terms of characteristic figures, but they usually provide the most interactions, as can be seen in this two-chart layout.
Let’s finish this section by circling all 5 TNs, as you will often do to help you predict the price with even more reliability and precision.
TzaraNext’s charts can be displayed under 5 different TNs, of which the last three are available as options. The chart toolbar is used here to change TNs, but there are many other ways to do it. |